Study of the activity of β -1,4 endoglucanase enzyme in three plant parasites nematodes*

Document Type : Research Article



Host plant cell wall is the main mechanical barrier to penetration and migration by endoparasitic nematodes. In order to degradation of plant cell walls, the nematodes secrete various types of cell wall degrading enzymes. β‐1, 4‐endoglucanase was the first known cell wall degrading enzyme. In this research, the enzyme activites were studied in three species; Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White1919)Chitwood, 1949, Pratylenchus loosi Loof, 1960 and Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie, 1942. Initially, sampling, identification, purification and multiplication of the nematodes were performed and after extraction of their DNA, the encoding β - 1, 4 endoglucanase gene was detected in the nematodes  by using pairs of specific degenerate primers in polymerase chain reaction. After extraction of total RNA from three species of nematodes, cDNA was synthesized and determination of cDNA goodness was carried out by a reference gene. Gene expression of the β -1,4 endoglucaase was done for all samples. The results showed that the gene encoding β -1 ,4 endoglucanase had the highest activity and expression in the root- knot nematode (M. incognita). Tea root lesion nematode (P. loosi) and Rice white tip nematode (A. besseyi) were classified in  next  step, respectively.


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