First report of association of a 16SrII-D phytoplasma with sugarcane white leaf disease in Iran

Document Type : Short Report


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2 Plant Protection Research Department

3 student


Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is an important crop in Iran. During 2016 surveys, sugarcane white leaf (SCWL) disease was observed in sugarcane fields of Haft Tapeh area (Khuzestan province, Iran). The extracted DNAs were tested by nested PCR using the universal primer pair P1/P7 followed by the universal primer pair R16F2n/R16R2 and expected amplicons of ca. 1.8 and 1.2 kbpwere amplified in samples of symptomatic plants but not of symptomless ones. R16F2n/R16R2 amplicons from symptomatic sugarcane plants were cloned and sequenced. The obtained sequences showed 100% identity with each other and a representative of these sequences deposited in GenBank (Accession No. MF356603). BLAST search revealed that Haft Tapeh SCWL (HTSCWL) sequence showed 100% identity with Petroselinum crispum witches'broom phytoplasma strain (KU501295), representative of 16SrII-D subgroup (Salehi et al. 2016). Computer-simulated restriction analysis using iPhyClassifier showed that the RFLP profile of HTSCWL 16S rDNA F2nR2 fragment was identical (similarity coefficient 1.00) to the reference pattern of 16SrII-D subgroup (Y10097). Phylogenetic analysis using Mega 7.0 revealed that HTSCWL phytoplasma clustered with16SrII group phytoplasmas closest to 16SrII-D subgroup reference strain (Y10097). To our knowledge this is the first report of a 16SrII-D phytoplasma associated with SCWL disease in Iran.
